Monday, October 12, 2020

Julian Price to Moses Cone Hike

Monday morning, we woke up and the rain had finally ended!  We took advantage of dry conditions and packed up camp and left.  We got on the Blue Ridge Parkway and made a quick stop at View Osborne Mountain.

The clouds lingering in the valley were beautiful.  We continued southbound to Julian Price Memorial Park.  Parking at the picnic area, we got on Boone Fork Trail.

Following the creek downstream, there was a lot of beautiful fall color.

In about a mile, we turned right on Mountains-to-Sea Trail and crossed Boone Fork on a footbridge.  The trail crossed Old John's River Road and continued around Martin Knob.  After crossing the Shulls Mill Road, the trail entered Moses Cone Memorial Park and climbed steeply up towards Rich Mountain.  There were some jack in the pulpit berries along the trail.

After a steep climb, we had to cross a stile to reach Rich Mountain Road and went right to stay on the MST.

Soon the trail went through an open area.

Even in cloudy weather, the views of the fall colors were beautiful.

After passing through the open area, the trail headed down towards Trout Lake.  With broad switchbacks, the descent was gentle.

Although the sun was poking out at a few times and we even saw a path of blue sky, it was very cloudy and foggy when we reached Trout Lake.  Hiking along the lake, the clouds cleared a bit.

By the time we made it to the other side, the clouds had mostly cleared again.

From here, we got on the Blue Ridge Parkway to hike back to the start.

There were nice views on the bridge crossing over Sims Branch.

We made a quick stop at Sims Pond.

The fall color was really beautiful here, reflecting off the pond.

Right past here, we found an old dilapidated barn of some type right off Old John's River Road.

It was just a short hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway back to the Price Park Picnic Area.

We went slowly to enjoy the beautiful fall color and a day without rain.

After finishing out hike, we made the drive home.

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