Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Hike at Breaks

Monday we checked out of the hotel for the last time and headed to Breaks Interstate Park for a Labor Day Hike before we headed home.  We parked at the trailhead for Ridge and Geological Trails and started off down the Geological Trail.

The trail passed under the State Line Overlook and led past some fantastic cliffs and outcrops.

The trail is quite short but the going is slow with so many places to stop and take photos.

This trail really highlights the geological history of the park.

The trail ended at Laurel Branch Trail and we went left to follow it downstream, an extremely steep path.  The trail ended at Grassy Creek and some small cascades were just upstream.

Following Grassy Creek downstream, there were some nice cascades along this one too, but too steep to climb down the bank.

The trail ended at the confluence with Russell Fork and we went left again to get on River Trail.

The trail followed the river a ways and was fairly level at first, but soon got very steep as it climbed, switchbacking between massive cliffs.

The trail ended at Prospectors Trail, where we went left again.  The trail passed along cliffs below the main overlooks but was mostly level.

At the end, we took Geological Trail back towards the parking area.  I headed out for a view from State Line Overlook.

This overlook had great views looking into Kentucky.

Then we made our way back to the car.

Before leaving the park, we made one more stop at Towers Overlook, the most iconic view in Breaks.

Then we started making the drive home after 17 days visiting 59 waterfalls in 11 states.  Alex slept the whole way home.

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