Sunday, February 2, 2020

Bladen Lakes Parks

Sandy had Sunday off and it was looking like a nice day so we headed to the Carolina bay lakes in Bladen County for some hiking with Alex.  Our first stop was Jones Lake State Park to get Alex's passport stamped.

Then we set off on the Bay Trail around the lake heading clockwise.

It was flooded near the start but dried out once we passed the swampy parts.  The fishing pier was a nice place to go out to the lake for some views.

The trail passed the campground then ran along a Service Road and into Bladen Lakes State Forest.  Turning right from the road, the trail trail came to a split and we went left to head towards Salters Lake.  The side trail led about a mile to another Carolina bay lake.

We took a break here and then headed back.  Turning right on Bay Trail, we intended to continue around Jones Lake.

But in about a mile, the trail was really flooded.  It would have been tough to get around and it was quite a ways back to the start so we decided to backtrack.

When we got back to the car, I realized I had dropped Alex's passport, so we had to turn around and try to locate it.  Luckily, we found it about a mile and a half from the parking area.  With 39 stamps, we really didn't want to start over.

Our next stop was Singletary Lake State Park.  This park used to be open only to organized groups, but had recently opened to the general public.  Our first stop was to get Alex's passport stamped.

Then we got on the CCC Trail out towards the pier.

The pier is for swimming, but has nice views of the lake.

The half moon was visible even in the midday light.

We walked out to the end of the pier, but didn't stay too long as it was quite windy.

After some pictures, we continued on the trail, following the lake shore closely to Lake Drain, where excess water flowed out of the lake.

There was a small dam and a footbridge leading over it.

From here, it made a small loop and then ran through a pine forest.

The entire double loop was just a mile didn't take long to complete.

We headed back home from here and stopped at Leesville Taproom near home for dinner on the patio with Alex.

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