Saturday, February 8, 2020

Carvers Creek Sandhills

Sandy had Saturday off so we took Alex for a hike at Carvers Creek State Park.  Since our last visit, the park had opened the Sandhills access with over 10 miles of multi-use trails.  And Alex loves sandy trails.

So we headed to this new section near Fayetteville and arrived just before 9.  First, we got on the trail and went left to hike the Wiregrass Loop through a longleaf pine forest.

With recent prescribed burns, the understory was almost completely wiregrass.

Finishing the loop, we went left on Longleaf Pine Trail, the main trail through this section.  It ran along the entrance road for a ways and in about a mile, we turned left on Little Pond Spur Trail.  It was a short trail out to a scenic little pond.

We took a short break here then back to the main trail.  We crossed over Carvers Creek, which was very swampy.

After the crossing, we went right on Fox Squirrel Loop Trail.  We also took Dead End Spur Trail out to the park boundary and back.

When Fox Squirrel Loop ended at Longleaf Pine Trail, a right turn led to a bridge over a tributary of Carvers Creek.

We followed Longleaf Pine Trail to the end at Turkey Oak Trail, but turned around here.

On the way back, we took RCW Loop Trail, but didn't see any woodpeckers.

A recent controlled burn was evident.  At the end of this loop, we took Longleaf Pine Trail back to the parking lot.

On the way home, we stopped at Redneck BBQ Lab for dinner; Alex had a hot dog!

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