Sunday, April 29, 2018

Milton Bradley Falls

Sunday, we woke up and broke camp.  Heading east on US64 to Hendersonville, we took I26 to Saluda and drove down Green River Cove Road, the steepest and curviest paved road I've driven.  Eventually, the switchbacks end and the road straightens as it follows Green River downstream.  Just before a bridge over the river, we turned right on a short gravel road to a parking area for Green River Game Lands.  From here, we began hiking down the gated road past some fields.  There were some fleabane blooming along the road.

In about a mile, the road curved left at an old barn and led to a ford of Cove Creek.  Across the creek, the road led through open fields and became difficult to follow.  There were a lot of really beautiful red clovers blooming here.

Heading through the field, we angled to the southeast and headed into the woods approaching Little Cove Creek.  There was no trail, but it was a pretty easy bushwhack following the creek upstream.  Orange paint on some trees provided blazes to follow.  Eventually, we crossed the creek and followed flagging tape on river right side.  Soon, we made it to Milton Bradley Falls, continuing with the Bradley naming of Green River waterfalls.

It's a really nice waterfall and I got pictures from different angles.

There was a lot of moss growing on logs and rocks near the falls.

We stopped for a bit here and then tried to make our way above the waterfall.  There are three more waterfalls upstream, but it was very difficult, especially for Alex.  So we decided to give up and head back down.  We stopped again at the base of Milton Bradley Falls for a snack before hiking back.  The sun was now shining right on the waterfall, so no chance for a good picture, but we did spot a cute little baby snapping turtle on a rock here.

After saying good-bye to the little turtle enjoying the spot with us, we made the hike back.  Driving back along Green River Cove Road, we made a quick stop at Fishtop Access with plans one more waterfall, albeit a small one.  From the parking area, we followed a path upstream a short ways to a cascade on Green River.

I thought this was Fishtop Falls, but after looking at a map, I don't think we went far enough.  More of a rapid than a real waterfall, it was still pretty scenic in high water.  Even more so considering that people paddle over this - with huge rocks around the base, it's definitely for expert kayakers.  After a couple pictures, we headed back and started making the long drive home.

Near Greensboro, we stopped for dinner at Cook Out and got Alex a hot dog, a fitting reward after a weekend of very challenging hikes.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tanasee Creek Waterfalls

Saturday morning, we woke up and headed into Brevard for a fast food breakfast.  Continuing west on US-64, we turned north on NC-215 and went almost to the Blue Ridge Parkway, turning left on FR-4663.  It was about 6 miles on this rough gravel road to the end at a turnaround to park.  I don't think very many people ever drive this far down the road, though we passed an area that had recently been logged.  We got our stuff together and started hiking down the road past the gate and turned left on FR-4655.  In about a quarter mile, the road crossed Yellow Patch Branch just below a scenic cascade.

Continuing a short ways, the trail curved right to swing around a ridge and into the Wolf Creek drainage.  At this point, we got off the road and started bushwhacking steeply down towards Wolf Creek.  And steep it was, descending about 250 vertical feet to the creek.  Fortunately, the forest was relatively open so at least we could see where we were going and we could hear the waterfall most of the way down.  After going down a ways, we came out at the base of Wolf Mountain Falls.

It's a really beautiful water and we were lucky to see it in high water.  So close to the top of Wolf Mountain, I imagine it could dry up at times.

The water was extremely cold, but I waded out to a rock with Alex, since he's pretty much a wolf.  After a break down here, we followed Wolf Creek downstream a ways.  There was an old logging grade on river right and wasn't too bad.  When we got to the end of the ridge that separates Wolf Creek and Yellow Patch Branch, we crossed the creek and bushwhacked around the ridge to follow Yellow Patch Branch upstream.  Along the way, we spotted a couple of short-winged blister beetles.

Fortunately, Alex wasn't interested as they can secrete a blistering agent.  The going was pretty tough as the slopes of the creek were quite steep and there were a lot of rhododendron and other obstacles.  Soon we made it to the base of the lowest section, which was impressive itself despite the poor lighting.

Then we climbed up to the middle section, which was a 15-foot drop.

Then finally the upper section, which is the most distinct on this waterfall with beautiful mossy rocks.

After a couple pictures, we had to get up.  Going back the way we came would be difficult and long, while FR-4655 was just a short ways up.  Cliffs surrounded most of the waterfall, so we had to climb up at the very top and since it was high water, there was no dry spot.  Alex was not very happy about this at all.  Sandy went up first and then I lifted him up to her and then followed.  It was pretty sketchy, but it was then only a short bushwhack up to FR-4655 and a short hike back to the car.

Once finished, we started heading back on FR-4663, making a stop where the road crosses Tanasee Creek.  We followed the creek upstream along the river left side to a crossing and after crossing, bushwhacked up river right side.  There were some nice cascades along Tanasee Creek here.

After the last waterfalls, this bushwhack was pretty easy and soon we reached the waterfall.

Herrin Knob Falls is a real scenic waterfall near the headwaters of Tanasee Creek at Herrin Knob.  Again, we lucked out seeing it in high water.

Just below the main drop was another narrow chute the dropped into a narrow chasm.

There didn't seem to be any way to get down to the base of this section.  After a few pictures, we started heading back.

Continuing back on FR-4663 another mile, we made a sharp right turn onto FR-4663B and drove to the end.  There were actually other cars here as this is a more well-known waterfall.  A short hike past the jeep mounds led back to Tanassee Creek at the base of Dill Falls.

I hadn't been here in a while and forgot how big and impressive this one is.  We got a couple pictures and then headed back, following the other road steeply up.  Where it levels off, we turned left and headed down to the base of Upper Dill Falls.

The two are really close to each other despite a 5 to 10 minute walk between.  After a little break here, we headed back to the car.

It was early enough that we wanted to get in one more waterfall.  Heading back into Pisgah National Forest on FR-475, we made a quick stop for a roadside waterfall just past Gloucester Gap on a small tributary.

Driving to the end of the road, we turned north on US-276 to the trailhead for Moore Cove Falls.  The Moore Cove area is a great place for wildflowers and today they did not disappoint.  There were lots of irises, foamflower and violets blooming along the trail.

Moore Cove Falls was crowded, so we crossed the creek and headed to Little Moore Cove Falls first.  The two waterfalls are very similar, though Little Moore Cove is about half the size.

But few people seem to know about it and I've never seen anyone there, even when Moore Cove Falls is very crowded.  We got a couple pictures and headed back.

The crowds had cleared from Moore Cove Falls, so got a couple pictures here before heading back.  The return trip was slow going with many stops for wildflowers along the trail.

There were a lot of heartleaf foamflower in bloom.

Many different violets were popping up, including sweet white violets.

Sandy spotted an enormous Jack-in-the-Pulpit.

When we finished up, it was starting to get late.  We made a quick stop at Looking Glass Falls since we were passing right by it.

Like all the others, the water level was up and it was very powerful.

Then it was dinner at the brewery again tonight, this time getting take out from Hawg Wild.  After dinner we made another campfire before retiring for the evening.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Laurel Fork Waterfalls

This past weekend, Sandy and I took Alex to the mountains for camping and waterfalls.  We left before 6 Friday morning and drove out to Pisgah National Forest.  We made a quick stop at the Pisgah Ranger Station and then headed down Avery Creek Road (FR-477) and found a spot at AC5.  We set up our tent then headed down Davidson River Road (FR-475) to our first hike.  A couple miles after the road changes to gravel, we parked just after the bridge over Laurel Fork.   We got our stuff together and then began following Laurel Fork upstream.  There's no trail, but it was pretty easy to follow initially.   The wildflowers along here were really beautiful, but we planned to stop on the way back.  In about a half mile we came to a rock wall dripping with water.  At this point, we made a steep climb down to the base of Lower Laurel Fork Falls.

The water level was high and this one was really flowing.  There was a lot of downfall over the waterfall, so I had to wade across the creek for a good photo.  Some nice cascades were just downstream of the waterfall.

Then we climbed back up and continued on.  Past the dripping wall, the trail turned right and started following a tributary upstream.  It led to a crossing of the tributary, but a faint path continued upstream.  We followed the path for a little ways, getting away from the creek, so started bushwhacking back towards the creek.  The forest was pretty open here, so not too bad for a bushwhack.  The last bit to get to the waterfall was quite steep.

Soon we made it to Gemini Falls, a very scenic waterfall.

With plenty of downed trees, we found a nice spot for a rest to enjoy the waterfall.  Sandy spotted a Jack in the Pulpit here.

After a bit, we bushwhacked back down to the path and found a place to cross the tributary and continued upstream along Laurel Fork.  No trail here either and the going was tough.  Towards the end, it was really Rocky and we had to navigate around big boulders.  It was just too difficult for Alex, so he waited in a shady grotto and took a rest.  Getting to where I could see the waterfall, there was no good way down to the base.

The water level was way up and there was a lot of mist.  I got up right next to the waterfall about midway up, but there were a few branches in the way.

Got a couple quick pictures and headed back to Alex and then started back down the mountain.  Past the rock wall above Lower Laurel Fork Falls, the path got a lot easier and we stopped to see the wildflowers.  There were several beautiful showy orchis in bloom.

A lot of heartleaf foamflower were blooming.

And near the end, there was a lot of fleabane near the road.

Soon, we made it back to the car.

From here, we turned around on FR-475 and drove a short ways to the trailhead for Daniel Ridge Trail.  After crossing the bridge over Davidson River, we turned right on the Forest Road 5046 and hiked to Toms Spring Falls, also called Daniel Ridge or Jackson Falls.

I've been here a couple times and this was by far the highest water I've seen.  First I scrambled up for a profile view.

Then back to the road for a frontal view, though the sun prevented a good shot.  So we continued on FR-5046, eventually coming back to Toms Spring Branch after about 1.5 miles at Upper Toms Spring Falls.

Just upstream of the road was this 45-foot waterfall over dark rock.  It was really nice and easy to visit - I'm surprised I hadn't visited earlier.

Just after the waterfall, the road intersected Daniel Ridge Loop Trail (#105) and we went left to head back down.  The lighting was better, so I ran back to Toms Spring Falls for a better picture from the road.

Then it was just a short hike on the forest road back to the car.

It was still early enough for one more stop.  With all the rain, I wanted to visit Slick Rock Falls as the last time I had been here, there wasn't much falling water.  Continuing on FR-475 back to the paved part, we made a quick stop at the roadside Lower Rockhouse Creek Falls.

I scrambled down to the base of this nice little roadside waterfall.  A half mile past here, we turned sharply left on Headwaters Road (FR-475B) and headed up to the trailhead for Slick Rock Falls.  The waterfall was visible from the road and had a lot more water than on my last visit.

I climbed around on the rocks to get a picture from different angles.

Spotted a southern nodding trillium here.

After a couple picture, I headed down from the road and followed Slick Rock Creek downstream past the roadside campsites.  After crossing the creek, I hiked past a rock wall and then came to Lower Slick Rock Falls.

I couldn't get to the base but came out at a nice spot in the middle for a view of this one.

It was getting later and we were all tired so we left the forest and went to Ecusta Brewery for dinner.  They only serve alcohol, so dogs are allowed and Mama Bear food truck was in the parking lot to get some food.  After dinner and a couple drinks, we drove back to our campsite and built a nice campfire.  A tree had fallen down and there was plenty of wood to burn.