Sunday, April 29, 2018

Milton Bradley Falls

Sunday, we woke up and broke camp.  Heading east on US64 to Hendersonville, we took I26 to Saluda and drove down Green River Cove Road, the steepest and curviest paved road I've driven.  Eventually, the switchbacks end and the road straightens as it follows Green River downstream.  Just before a bridge over the river, we turned right on a short gravel road to a parking area for Green River Game Lands.  From here, we began hiking down the gated road past some fields.  There were some fleabane blooming along the road.

In about a mile, the road curved left at an old barn and led to a ford of Cove Creek.  Across the creek, the road led through open fields and became difficult to follow.  There were a lot of really beautiful red clovers blooming here.

Heading through the field, we angled to the southeast and headed into the woods approaching Little Cove Creek.  There was no trail, but it was a pretty easy bushwhack following the creek upstream.  Orange paint on some trees provided blazes to follow.  Eventually, we crossed the creek and followed flagging tape on river right side.  Soon, we made it to Milton Bradley Falls, continuing with the Bradley naming of Green River waterfalls.

It's a really nice waterfall and I got pictures from different angles.

There was a lot of moss growing on logs and rocks near the falls.

We stopped for a bit here and then tried to make our way above the waterfall.  There are three more waterfalls upstream, but it was very difficult, especially for Alex.  So we decided to give up and head back down.  We stopped again at the base of Milton Bradley Falls for a snack before hiking back.  The sun was now shining right on the waterfall, so no chance for a good picture, but we did spot a cute little baby snapping turtle on a rock here.

After saying good-bye to the little turtle enjoying the spot with us, we made the hike back.  Driving back along Green River Cove Road, we made a quick stop at Fishtop Access with plans one more waterfall, albeit a small one.  From the parking area, we followed a path upstream a short ways to a cascade on Green River.

I thought this was Fishtop Falls, but after looking at a map, I don't think we went far enough.  More of a rapid than a real waterfall, it was still pretty scenic in high water.  Even more so considering that people paddle over this - with huge rocks around the base, it's definitely for expert kayakers.  After a couple pictures, we headed back and started making the long drive home.

Near Greensboro, we stopped for dinner at Cook Out and got Alex a hot dog, a fitting reward after a weekend of very challenging hikes.

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