Sunday, March 19, 2017

End of the Trail

Today, we hiked the last section section of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail through the Triangle - Pump Station to Pleasant Green in Eno River State Park.  After a rainy day yesterday, it was quite nice today, though a little cold.  We started from Pleasant Green and hiked eastbound along the Laurel Bluffs Trail to the Eno Quarry.

The water is so deep and clean, it really looked pretty today.  In the summer, it's usually full of swimmers.  Past the quarry, we took Cabe Lands Trail back to Laurel Bluffs and continued following the river downstream.  There's an old homestead here; you know you're getting close when you see the daffodils.

The chimney is about all that remains of the homestead.

One of the small tributaries to Eno River has a small waterfall.  It had rained yesterday, so it was looking nice.

And finally, we got on Pump Station to finish up the hike.  We passed the remains of the dam on Nancy Rhodes Creek.

The reservoir for the pump station was above this dam when it was in operation.  We took a break and had a snack at the Pump Station.  I spotted some trout lilies near here.

After our break, we made the hike back to Pleasant Green.  Currently, the MST continues westbound to Hillsborough following roads.

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