Sunday, March 12, 2017

Dusting of Snow on the Eno

We started our hike again this week at West Point on the Eno Park, this time hiking west, following the river upstream.  Despite the warm weather we've had this winter, it was actually snowing today.  The ground was warm so there wasn't much accumulation, but it was definitely coming down when we started.  We crossed Eno on the footbridge and turned left to follow MST westbound.  Near the dam, we had to rock-hop across Crooked Creek, but the water level was pretty low today so it was easy.

It snowed most of the way through West Point park, but there was little accumulation.  Mainly it was on spider webs.

Across Guess Road, we passed into Eno River State Park and the MST followed Laurel Bluffs Trail.  In early May, the mountain laurel along this trail put on quite a show.  The sun came out and any residual snow vanished.  We passed Gebel Rock, a nice overlook at a bend in the river.

We followed the trail to the old Durham Pump Station, where we took a break.

I walked around the ruins of this pump station that provided water to Durham at the turn of the 20th century.

It was in use until 1927 when the city needed a larger system.  It's amazing to see how nature has reclaimed the land.  One section was flooded, but a number of trees were growing out.

Even a maintenance hole had a tree growing out of it.

It was nice and sunny on the hike back.  What a difference a couple hours makes!  I got a couple pictures around the ruins of Guess Mill, shortly before we exited the park.

There's an old home site nearby, but only the chimney and a water pump remain.

The mill stone is right next to the trail, right before it goes up to Guess Road.

From here, we passed back into West Point.  I stopped to see an old chimney along the trail.

It was still cold, but the sun was out.  One little turtle had popped out of the river onto a log to catch the sun's rays.

Soon we were back to the parking lot - just one more hike to finish up the MST in the Triangle.

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