Sunday, February 5, 2017

Prescribed Burn at Falls Lake

Sunday, we continued hiking Falls Lake Trail.  This week, it was sections 15 and 16 from Jimmy Rogers Road to Hereford Road in Durham County.  We parked at the end of Jimmy Rogers Road at Little Rogers Road and hiked the blue-blazed spur trail down to Little Lick Creek.  We could see the boardwalk and bridge where we had ended our hike last week, but turned left on the white-blazed MST.

A short ways down the trail, we found the skull of some small animal, maybe a raccoon or possum.

Past where the trail crosses Shaw Road, there was evidence of a recent controlled burn.  All around, the ground was blackened and the smell of smoke was noticeable.  I think it had been about a week ago.  Interestingly, the trail was un-burnt and very easy to follow.

The burned area was about half-mile to a mile and then went back to normal.  Continuing on we passed the open area with the power lines and came out on Cheek Road.  Section 16 is a lot shorter and is about a mile to Hereford Road, where we turned around.

An open sunny spot made a nice spot for a lunch break.  Then we made the hike back.

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