Sunday, August 7, 2016

Bernie's Falls

Sunday morning, we broke camp and headed out for one more waterfall before heading home - Bernie's Falls.

We took US-64 west to NC-281 north and drove just past Dismal Falls to a pull-off at gated FSR-5077. Hiking down this forest road, we passed a split for FSR-5077B in about a mile and FSR-5077A in about 1.5 miles. Just after this, we turned left to stay on FSR-5077 and headed down to an open area. There was a split and we stayed straight to continue through the open field, roughly following Miser Creek downstream. We had to cross the creek at one point and then a little ways later, we came to another split at a walnut tree. Turning right here, we headed back into the woods following Miser Creek downstream. Just before the trail started heading up a hill, we got off the trail and crossed Miser Creek, coming out at the top of Bernies Falls. Hiking away from the falls, we came out on an old road and turned left. At a point where the road was blocked by downfall, we turned left again on a very steep path that headed down to the waterfall. There was a nice grotto before the falls where Alex could rest while we explored around. The path led behind the waterfall on a narrow base, where I spotted some bee balm blooming in the waterfall spray.

Continuing on, the path led down to the base of the waterfall. There were nice views of the waterfall from the base, but I think the best view was from a spot roughly half way down. It was just a little tricky to find a stable spot to stop and take a picture.

After a few pictures and a snack, we started making our way back. It started drizzling on the way back, but the rain didn’t really pick up until we got back to the car. We then made the drive home after another great Big Brevard weekend.

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