Monday, May 25, 2015

Toms Spring & Shuck Ridge Creek Falls

Monday morning, we had breakfast at the hotel and then packed up our stuff and checked out. We headed back to Pisgah Forest one more time. On FSR-475, we continued past Cove Creek Group Camp and parked at the trailhead for Toms Spring Falls. There are a number of primitive camping sites along FSR 137, so the parking lot was almost full. After getting our stuff together, we hiked across Davidson River on the bridge and turned right on FSR 5046. It was just a short ways to Toms Spring Falls.

First, we got some pictures from the road, then climbed up the rocks and got some pictures up close.

After a few minutes, we backtracked a short ways and turned right to get on Daniel Ridge Loop Trail (#105). Initially, the trail is quite steep as it ascends to the top of the Toms Spring Falls via a couple switchbacks. Then it leveled off a bit, following Toms Spring Branch upstream. The trail varied from mostly level to a little steep, but it wasn’t too hot today, so didn’t seem bad. And the mountain laurel were in full bloom along the trail, which made for a beautiful sight.

We also saw a cute little snake right along the trail. He didn't seem to be bothered by us and kind of looked like he was grinning.

In a little over two miles, the trail split – Daniel Ridge Loop Trail continued to the left and Farlow Gap Trail (#106) went right. We turned right, initially climbing steeply up via switchbacks as we got above Right Fork. The trail curved around a ridge, crossed Daniel Ridge Creek, and then curved around another ridge as it approached Shuck Ridge Creek.

We crossed the creek and then took the extremely steep and slippery path down to the base of Shuck Ridge Creek Falls. The last time I was here, it had been raining and the rocks were slick. I hoped they would be dry this time as it hadn’t rained in a while, but no such luck. Shuck Ridge Creek is not a big waterfall, but it’s a pretty one, with an hourglass shape and the setting of the falls is lovely.

At the base of the falls, we had a snack and got some pictures before making the treacherous climb back up.

Once up from the waterfall, it was mostly all downhill from here. When we got back to Daniel Ridge Loop Trail, we turned right to finish up the loop and hike FSR 137 back to the car. Overall, it was successful long weekend.

Even with the difficulty in finding accommodations, we still managed to get 17 waterfalls in three days. On the way home, we had stop at Las Salsas in Morganton for a delicious meal of fajitas!

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