Sunday, August 19, 2012

Backpacking Linville Gorge

Sunday, Casey and I headed to Linville Gorge Wilderness for backpacking adventure! We parked along Kistler Memorial Highway at the trailhead for Babel Tower (240) and hiked down.

Although the trail is mostly downhill, at about 800 feet in 1.3 miles, its pretty steep, especially carrying a backpack. And I knew the trip back up to the car would be even tougher!

But once we arrived at Babel Tower, it was so worth it.

The views from the tower of the gorge, river, and surrounding mountains were absolutely beautiful.

And being a Sunday night in a wilderness area, there was no one else around.

We even found a little corn snake near our campsite.

We set up camp and explored a bit around Babel Tower and went to bed early.

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