Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last Day at the Beach

In the morning, we broke camp and brought all of our stuff over the dunes in preparation for leaving Hammocks Beach State Park. But we stuck around for a while to enjoy the beach for a while before leaving.

We walked up and down the beach collecting shells and even found a couple of unbroken sand dollars. But no more sea turtles. We heard that the day before, three baby turtles fell in a hole in the sand and couldn't get out. Luckily, someone notified the rangers who helped them make it to the sea. By late morning, we decided it was time to go. We had gotten a little sun-burned the day before and the bright sun today was irritating. So we carried our stuff back across the beach and up to the bath house and then down to the ferry dock.

While waiting for the ferry, we saw an anole and a mantis at the shelter.

Once back on the mainland, we packed up the car and headed home.

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