Sunday, July 8, 2012

Paradise Falls

In the morning, we broke camp and headed to the Lake Toxaway area for one last waterfall of the weekend. We took NC-281 into Jackson County and parked along the road for Paradise Falls. This waterfall is on Wolf Creek Lake and the flow of water is dependent on the dam. Today, the dam was closed, so the flow was light.

We headed down the short, but steep trail to the base of the waterfall and of course had to take a dip in the falls.

A rope just at the base provides a way to get up to the middle part of the falls. I was still tired and sore from the day before, so I decided not to go up. Then we headed back to the car and start the trip back.

We stopped in Brevard on the way for BBQ for lunch then made the long drive back to Raleigh.

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