Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Carolina Beach Fireworks

Again this year, we planned a beach day followed by fireworks in the Wilmington area to celebrate 4th of July. This year, we headed down a day early to squeeze in a little more beach time. I worked a half-day on Tuesday and left around lunch time for the drive down to Carolina Beach. We had some fast food for a quick dinner then headed to Carolina Beach State Park to set up camp. The group campsites here are a short, maybe 400-meter walk from the parking lot to the sites just off the Swamp Trail. Along the way, we spotted a pitcher plant, but no Venus Flytraps.

After setting up camp, Sandy and I headed back towards the parking lot and around the Flytrap Trail hoping to spot some of these interesting carnivorous plants. But no luck.

We headed back to the campsite to meet back up with the group and at about 8, we left and took the Campground Trail towards the park entrance, left the park and headed to Carolina Beach to watch the fireworks on the beach. It was actually a very nice show - I wasn't expecting too much given that the town is small and it wasn't yet 4th of July. After the fireworks, we headed back and stopped for ice cream in town, before returning to the park. It was quite hot and humid, even after 10 o'clock at night. Since the chance for rain was low, we took the rain fly off the tent and set up a battery-powered fan to keep the tent a little cooler.

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