Friday, July 20, 2012

Icelandic Horseback Riding

After breakfast, we were picked up and shuttled to Laxnes Horse Farm just down route 36 a ways towards Þingvellir. We got our helmets and horses from the staff. My horse with Binko and Sandy's was Harpa. Our group was pretty big, about 20 riders, and soon we took off. I probably should have left the camera as it was just something else to worry about and I wasn't able to take any shots from on the horse anyway. I've only ridden a horse once and I'm a little nervous up there. But Binko was a sweet horse. And a hungry one too. As we headed down the trail, she wanted to stop frequently and munch on the grasses growing along the side. But she didn't want to lose her spot, so after grabbing a bite, she took off to get back to her spot in the line. She also seemed greatly offended when the horse in front of her had gas. Shaking her head in disgust, she sped up and passed the horse so we wouldn't be violated again! But when we got behind the guide, she knew to follow her. It turned out to be a pretty exciting and enjoyable ride, with Binko galloping a bit and a few fords to cross streams. I think she also did the unique Icelandic gait, but I'm not familiar with horses well enough to recognize it. We followed the Kaldakvísl river down to just upstream of the Route 1 bridge and then stopped for rest. Getting down, I let Binko eat while we were resting and fill up before the ride back. At one point, she wanted some grass deep in a bush and nearly pulled me over trying to get at it. Sandy's horse Harpa had an inch and tried to use her as a scratching board. After a few minutes, we got back on our horses and headed back. Those who wanted to ride faster went first, but I figured it best to stay slow. We made it almost all the way when a horse behind me got spooked. The man riding yelled "Stop!" (like a horse is going to listen) and startled Binko who took off. I nearly fell back off the horse, but was able to catch myself and rein in Binko. I sure didn't want to fall after doing well for most of the way. Back at the farm, we returned the horses and were shuttled back to our hotel.  It was just after lunchtime so we took the bus to downtown Reykjavík. We had Thai lunch and stopped at the Icelandic Phallalogical Museum. Truly an original museum. We didn't actually go in, but peeked in the window. Then we headed down to the water and walked for a bit on the Shore Walk. Sólfar, the Sun Voyager, sculpture was along here. It was a metal ship, symbolizing the journey into the unknown. Unfortunately, it started raining, well drizzling really, so we headed up to Laugavegur, the main shopping district. To get out of the rain and use the restroom, we stopped in Lebowski bar and had a drink. And another and another. The bartenders were really great here and we stayed for quite a while. Across the street was some type of festival with a DJ spinning house music and hair stylists cutting hair for charity. Sandy ended up getting her hair cut. We had dinner at the bar and then took the bus back to our hotel, a little bit sad knowing we had to go home. Iceland is a wonderful place. I usually try to travel to places I've never been before, especially for big trips like this one, but Iceland is definitely a place I want to visit many more times.

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