Standing Indian (Nantahala)

The Standing Indian Basin area is located in Nantahala National Forest in Macon County.  Standing Indian is a 5,499-foot mountain peak at the headwaters of Nantahala River.  The area contains multiple campgrounds and many miles of hiking trails, including a portion of the Appalachian Trail.  The area is bounded on the south by Southern Nantahala Wilderness and on the east by Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory.



Albert Mountain Trail (#36A):

Albert Mountain Trail starts from the end of FR-67 and leads to the Appalachian Trail near the summit of Albert Mountain.

Big Laurel Trail (#29):

Big Laurel Trail leads to the headwaters of Nantahala River and Big Laurel Falls in Southern Nantahala Wilderness.

Mooney Falls Trail (#31):

Mooney Falls Trail is a short trail from FR-67 down to the waterfall.

Pickens Nose Trail (#13):

Pickens Nose Trail leads about 3/4 of a mile from Ball Creek Road (FR-83) out to Pickens Nose with stunning views from the overlook.

Points of Interest:

Albert Mountain Lookout Tower:

Albert Mountain Lookout Tower is at the summit of Albert Mountain.  The top of the tower is locked, but there are great views from the summit.

Big Laurel Falls:

Big Laurel Falls is a scenic waterfall at the headwaters of Nantahala River.

Mooney Falls:

Mooney Falls is a waterfall in two sections along Hemp Patch Branch.

Pickens Nose:

Pickens Nose is an outcrop southeast of Standing Indian Mountain with great views south into Georgia.  The peak is named for Andrew Pickens.

Blog Entries:

31-Dec-2021: Pickens Nose

External Links:

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