Monday, February 19, 2024

Rendezvous Mountain

Monday morning, we checked out and headed towards Wilkesboro and drove up to Rendezvous Mountain State Park.

Formerly an educational state forest, it was changed to a park in 2022.  After parking, we took Amadahy Waterfalls Trail that descended steeply for about a mile to Purlear Creek.  As the trail started following the creek upstream, we could see Amadahy Falls.

It was a steep bushwhack down the base of the waterfall.

I wasn't expecting much, but was impressed by how nice this one is. 

From here, the trail continued following the creek upstream for a while and then got steep as it headed up to the gravel road.  We followed the road back around to finish up the loop.

We then drove back down the mountain and had lunch at Dooleys in Wilkesboro before heading home.

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