Saturday, March 11, 2023

Hanging Rock Hike

Saturday, we took Alex for a day hike to Hanging Rock State Park.  Arriving before 8, we beat most of the crowds and hiked up Hanging Rock Trail.  There were only a couple other people here when we arrived and we could enjoy the views.

We had a light snack and enjoyed the views as more and more people showed up.

So we started making our way back down and turned on Wolf Rock Trail.  It was about another mile to the overlook.

There weren't many people here at all and I scrambled around on the rocks.

We finished up Wolf Rock Trail and took Lake Trail back to the Visitor Center.

We then picked up Indian Creek Trail to head down to the waterfalls.  We first came to Hidden Falls, but the lighting was poor.  

We waited for a cloud that never came and then headed to Window Falls.  The lighting was just as bad here.

Since the rocks were dry, I climbed up to see the upper section.

It is basically behind the window in the rock.

Then we headed back to the visitor center and hiked out to Upper Cascade Falls.

Despite the poor lighting, I also climbed down to Tise Falls.

After that we hiked back to the car.

On the way home, we stopped for a late lunch at Oden Brewery in Greensboro.  Alex made friends with a few dogs he met there.

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