Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bearwallow Creek Waterfalls

Saturday, Sandy and I headed out early for some waterfalls over Memorial Day Weekend.  Alex stayed home so we could get some more challenging waterfalls.  We arrived at Gorges State Park around 930 at the Frozen Creek Access and started out hiking Augur Hole Trail.  There was a little red eft along the trail.

It was about 3.5 miles to the ford of Toxaway River.  The water was cold and swift, but the rough concrete made it pretty easy.  In about another mile, we came to the ford of Bearwallow Creek.  Instead of crossing, we followed a short path upstream to a cascade.

From here, there was absolutely no path and the going was very difficult.  There were several cascades along the creek but we had to stay high above to avoid cliffs and the worst of the rhododendron.  In less than a quarter-mile, we came to Bear Canyon Falls.

The waterfall is very scenic as the creek drops into a little canyon.

There were a number of millipedes crawling around on a downed log.

We had a snack here and enjoyed the views for a bit.

Then we made the rough but short bushwhack back to the trail.  Heading back on Augur Hole Trail, when we got to the top of the ridge between Bearwallow Creek and Toxaway River, we got off the trail and followed a path down the ridge.  Shortly, the trail turned left and headed very steeply down to the creek at the base of Lower Bearwallow Falls.

Unfortunately, full sun was shining right on the waterfall.  Some mountain laurel were blooming around it, but didn't help with poor lighting.

We hung out down here and had a snack, hoping for a cloud, but it never came.  So we made the steep climb back out and then back on Augur Hole Trail.

From here, we headed into Hendersonville and checked into the Econo Lodge.  We then headed to Mills River Brewing for the evening.

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