Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hilton Head

Sunday, we checked out of the hotel and headed towards Hilton Head.  Our first stop was at Victoria Bluff Heritage Preserve in Bluffton.  After parking and getting our stuff together, we headed out on the trails.

This area is game land and primarily for hunting.  But no hunting on Sundays, so we made a loop along the old gravel roads.

The forest was pretty with lots of Spanish Moss.

And there were a bunch of column stinkhorn mushrooms poking up from the forest floor.

Near the road, there were some cabbage palms.

As we tried to loop around, one of the roads was really flooded, no reasonable way to get around.  So we had to go a little further and make a bigger loop.  There was more flooding here but not as bad.  There were a lot of saw palmetto in the understory along here.

We finished the loop up and then headed to Hilton Head.

We wanted to take Alex to the beach again but it started to rain.  So we stopped at Skillets for lunch.  They have a dog menu and Alex ordered the beef and rice.

The rain died down by the time we were done eating, so we parked at Coligny Beach Park and made the short hike out to the beach.

Even in light rain, it was pretty popular.  We walked a short ways and let Alex run a bit then headed back before it started raining again.

From here, we headed into Savannah and checked into the Quality Inn.  It was right in the historic district and a quick walk down to the river.  We got our first daiquiris from Wet Willie's and enjoyed the evening. 

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