Saturday, December 28, 2019


Saturday morning, we had breakfast at the hotel and then headed to Francis Marion National Forest to hike along the Swamp Fox Passage of the Palmetto Trail.  We parked at the trailhead off US-17 and hit the trail.

In a short ways, the Awendaw Passage turned right and we went left along Swamp Fox passage.  We saw lots of dwarf palmetto along the trail.

The trail led through a pine forest with evidence of a recent prescribed burn.

In about a mile, there was a large bridge over Steed Creek.

The black water was flowing.

The trail crossed Steed Creek Road and past another trailhead parking after about 3 miles.  We went as far as where the trail started following a gravel road.  There was a cool fly agaric mushroom here.

We had a snack and started making our way back.

At the parking area, we ran into a couple that were trying to rescue an emaciated dog.  Alex gave them a couple of his treats to help save the starving dog.  We continued on from here back to the trailhead.

Heading back to Charleston, we parked at the garage near the Visitor center in downtown.  We walked Alex down King Street through the city and turned on Broad Street.  St. Michael's Church was really pretty, next to the Post Office.

Near the water, we turned on Bay Street and walked down to the end for a view of Charleston Harbor.

On the way back, we passed Rainbow Row, a series of pastel houses along Bay Street.

Then we walked over to Riley Waterfront Park to see the pineapple fountain.

There was another cool fountain in the park as well.

By this time, we were starting to get hungry and stopped at Slightly North of Broad.  Sitting outside with Alex, we had a nice meal and drinks.  We visited a few more stores and then headed back to the hotel and started getting our stuff packed up.

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