Saturday, October 26, 2019

Boone Fork & Tanawha Trail

Saturday, I left early for a fall foliage hike in the mountains.  It was forecast for light rain, but nothing heavy.  I took US-421 north towards Boone and got on the Blue Ridge Parkway southbound right at 7.  It was still completely dark at this point.  As I drove southbound, the first rays of light were visible.  I stopped at Yadkin Valley Overlook about 10 minutes before sunrise and could see the first rays of light.

The twilight views of the Piedmont were great.

Then I drove a little further to Thunder Hill Overlook to watch the sunrise.

More great views over the foothills and Piedmont.

It was a perfect view from here and the parking area was full, so I was not the only one who woke up early for a beautiful sunrise.  I continued on to Julian Price Memorial Park and parked at the picnic area.  After getting my stuff together, I set out on Boone Fork Trail, going right to hike the loop counterclockwise.  The trail followed Boone Fork downstream and there was some nice fall color showing despite the foggy weather.  A little over a mile, the Mountains to Sea Trail crossed the creek on a new footbridge.

Shortly past here, a steep path led down to the base of Hebron Colony Falls.  It's hard to see much of the waterfall from the base as it flows under and around the rock colony.

So I climbed up the boulders for a nice view of the main drop.

Fall colors along the creek bank framed the falls nicely and the view downstream was beautiful.

Continuing on the trail, there were some more nice spots along the creek.

I also found another waterfall downstream on Boone Fork Creek, about 15 feet high.  It was a steep scramble down, but a scenic little unnamed waterfall.

The trail followed Boone Fork Creek through one last scenic section.

Then it started following Bee Tree Creek upstream.  There were some rocky sections along the trail.

As it approached the parkway, I turned onto Tanawha Trail and headed west.

Foggy weather prevented sweeping views but the fall color was beautiful, even in the clouds.

I took the short spur to Cold Prong Pond Overlook.

At Cold Prong, I did a short loop around the pond, but it was dried out.

Continuing on, I went as far as Daniel Boone Scout Trail and stopped for a lunch break.  There were some nice cascades on the headwaters of Boone Fork here.

Then I made the long hike back to Price Park.

On the drive home, I made a stop at Grandview Overlook for one last view of fall colors from the parkway.

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