Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sky Pond

Thursday was another early morning.  We were headed to Glacier Gorge trailhead in Rocky Mountain National Park, one of the most popular and earliest to fill up.  Arriving right at sunrise, there were parking spaces, but it was filling fast.  The trailhead was beautiful in the early morning light.

We set off on the through Chaos Canyon.  There were some nice cascades along Tyndall Creek.

After crossing the creek, the trail followed Glacier Creek upstream.  In less than a mile, we made it to Alberta Falls.

It was beautiful in the early morning light.

We got some pictures from the base then I climbed up on the rocks for another view.

Shortly past here, there was a nice outcrop with views of Glacier Gorge and Bear Lake Road below.

Where the trail made a switchback back towards the creek, there appeared to another waterfall on Glacier Creek, but it was hard to see.  I made the treacherous climb down the cliff to the creek.

It was a really nice waterfall with an upper split drop around a boulder with some smaller cascades below.  I named it Glacier Gorge Falls; it was too nice to be unnamed.  Continuing on, we passed the split for North Longs Peak Trail and then came to the split for Mills Lake.  Although we were going towards Sky Pond, we made a quick detour as the topo map showed Glacier Falls just upstream from the split.  Climbing up on the rocks, there were some cascades on the creek down below, but I thought the unnamed waterfall we found was a lot nicer.

Back on the main trail, we spotted some mountain goldenrod.

Soon, we came to the Loch.  There were nice views of this alpine lake as we hiked around the northwest shore.

Past the Loch, the trail started to get steep as it headed up towards Lake of Glass.  There were some scenic cascades along Icy Brook here.

We got our first view of Timberline Falls from a distance.

The trail got steeper as we approached the waterfall.  There were some beautiful columbine blooming near the falls.

And the view looking back to Loch Vale was fantastic.

However, this area was very crowded.  With a line of people to climb the waterfall, we instead rock-hopped out to the base of this beautiful waterfall.

There was a patch of snow as well.

Once the line died down, we climbed up the semi-dry section of the waterfall and continued up.  Once at the top, we came to Lake of Glass.

A beautiful lake and it was noticeably cooler up here as we hiked along the western shore.

There was a small waterfall on Icy Brook above Lake of Glass.

Climbing above this, we came to the beautiful Sky Pond at almost 11,000 feet.

Taylor Glacier was visible across the lake.

As we ate lunch here, we saw two people hike around the lake and start climbing the glacier with skies on their backpacks.

Heading back down, the view towards Lake of Glass was really nice.

Close to the lake, we ran into John from Raleigh and chatted with him for a few.  He still needed to visit Sky Pond, so we hiked back slowly so he'd catch up.  As we climbed down Timberline Falls, Sandy had to yell at a woman feeding a marmot.  When we got down, a father was petting the marmot in front of his kids.  I reminded them that marmots can transmit bubonic plague.

He was cute, but much too tame.  When we reached the Loch, we stopped for a break to watch some elk grazing across the lake.

Trout were swimming in the clear waters.

John caught up to us and we finished the hike back with him.  There were a lot of ground squirrels along the trail, presumably hoping we'd feed them like so many others obviously do.

When we reached the parking area, we said bye to John and headed out.

It was still early enough, so through we'd get a couple easy waterfalls.  We headed to Fall River Road and stopped at the West Alluvial Fan parking area.  There was construction but we could make it to the river and then rock-hopped into the middle at the base of Horseshoe Falls.

I think the waterfall keeps going up, but we didn't climb any further.  There was some fireweed blooming in the river.

After a couple pictures, we headed back.

Then we continued to Endo Valley and parked here.  Gravel Old Fall River Road beyond this point is one way and we didn't want to have to drive all the way back Alpine Visitor Center.  So we hiked from Endo Valley up Old Fall River Road just under a mile to Chasm Falls.  There were some nice cascades along Fall River downstream of the waterfall.

Further up was a cement overlook from which to see Chasm Falls.

Aptly named, Fall River falls through a narrow chasm and then cascades further down.  We then started heading back.

There were nice views from the road, but it would have been a long drive.

We headed back to Estes Park and had Thai for dinner and then went to bed.

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