Sunday, April 7, 2019

Pettigrew Hike

Sunday, we woke up and broke camp.  It had rained overnight but was just foggy by morning.  The Pettigrew State Park office is closed on weekends but they have pre-printed stamps for Alex's passport.

Then we followed the Lake Shore boardwalk back to Somerset Place and started hiking the Bee Tree Trail.  In about a half-mile, there was a parking area at Bonarva Canal and a boardwalk here went out to a view on the lake.

Looking northeast, I could see the boat ramp where I had watched the sunset the night before.  Back on the main trail, we headed back into the woods and crossed paths with a cute box turtle.

Then we came to the split shortly and went straight to the Bee Tree Overlook.  Unfortunately, there was construction and the overlook was closed.  So we went back to the split and turned right to hike to the Pettigrew Cemetery.

James Johnston Pettigrew, for whom the park is named, was a Confederate General who was mortally wounded in the retreat from Gettystburg.  After the war, his remains were returned to the family plantation.  Back at Somerset Place, we stopped to check out the nice gardens, then returned to the start.

Before we left, we hiked up Mocassin Trail, going the other way along the lake.  Along the way were some nice views of the lake at a break in the forest.

I also spotted an atamasco lily starting to bloom.

Sandy had to be at work in the afternoon so we didn't make it all the way to the Mocassin Overlook.  We turned around at a nice spot on the lake where a large amount of pink sorrel and daffodils were blooming.

Like the daffodils, the sorrel are not native, but were really pretty - blanketing the ground with pink.

After some pictures we headed back and made the drive home.

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