Saturday, March 16, 2019

Pilot Creek Hike

Saturday, we took Alex to get another stamp in his passport at Pilot Mountain State Park.  Since the last time we visited, another trail has opened.  We parked at the Pilot Creek Access off Boyd Nelson Road.  The Pilot Creek Trail leads three miles to the park's campground through the northwest corner of the park.  Right at the start, there were a number of daffodils blooming in an open area.

The trail crossed several little tributaries of Pilot Creek on its way to the main part of the park.

An old dilapidated cabin was just off the trail about half way.

Near the end, we saw the wheels of an old carriage of some sorts.

When we reached Grindstone Trail, I went left and ran to the visitor center to get Alex's passport stamped.

I caught up near the cliffs for rock climbing.  We stopped here for a snack break and to enjoy the lovely views.

After our snack, we continued to the top to the Little Pinnacle Overlook.  Beautiful views of Pilot Mountain and the Saurotown Mountains in the distance.

A couple more overlooks provided views of Pilot Mountain from different perspectives.

Then we made the hike back down the mountain.  It was all downhill from here.  We spotted some trout lilies along the creek.

Finishing back at the car, we headed for home, stopping for barbeque on the way.

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