Monday, June 6, 2016

Palisade Falls

This week I headed to beautiful Bozeman, Montana for work. The last time I was here was in February and there was limited daylight. But this week, the sun didn’t set until after 9 so I tried to get out and see a little of the area after work each evening. I arrived at Bozeman at 1 local time and headed to the office. Getting off at about 5, I decided rather than going straight to the hotel and checking in, I would head south into the Hyalite Canyon area of Gallatin National Forest to see Palisade Falls. The drive in was absolutely beautiful. After passing the reservoir, I turned left on the gravel road and went about a mile to the trailhead for Palisade Falls. It was just a short hike on a paved trail to this stunning waterfall. The water tumbles down around eighty feet over some beautiful volcanic basalt cliffs.

I got a couple pictures and then started heading back. On the way back, I saw a couple hiking up and thought the guy looked very familiar. Turns out it was my coworker Mark and his girlfriend, also heading up to the falls for an after work hike. Back at the car, I started heading back, making a quick stop at the Hyalite Reservoir. The views over the lake were just stunning.

Despite high temperatures in the upper 80s, snow-capped mountains were visible in the distance. After a brief stop, I headed back to into Bozeman and checked in to the Holiday Inn Express, my home for the week, and retired for the evening.

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