Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hiking the College M

After work Tuesday, I headed to the “M” – perhaps Bozeman’s most popular hiking spot. I thought College M was a strange name for a National Forest hiking trail. Driving towards the trailhead on I-90, I saw the giant M on the side of the mountain and realized where the name came from. When I was here in February, the mountains were covered in snow and it wasn't visible. I parked at the trailhead, which was almost full and got ready. As I started hiking, there was a split and the sign indicated the easy way and the hard way. Of course I had to take the hard way. Gaining 850 vertical feet in a half-mile, this trail was exceedingly steep. The high temperatures and bright sunshine in Bozeman didn’t help. There was almost no shade on the trail. Although it seemed longer that it actually was, I made it to the top in about 20 minutes and stopped for a rest on the bench.

The views of Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley from here were just phenomenal. Looking up, I saw a guy on top of the M. He whipped out a parachute and jumped off, paragliding down to the valley.

Now that's something you don't see every day. Well, maybe in Bozeman. Telling coworkers this the next day, they didn't seem to think it was too uncommon. After this, I started heading back down, taking the easy way this time. Beautiful wildflowers were blooming all along the trail.

The penstemon were particularly beautiful. But the most abundant were the arrowleaf balsamroots.

There must have been thousands of these pretty yellow wildflowers blooming on the mountainside.

As I was heading down, a storm rolled in.

In a matter of minutes, I could no longer see Bozeman - it was getting slammed with rain.

Fortunately, I was heading down so I picked up the pace, making it back to the car just as the rain was starting here at the Bridger Range. By the time I drove back into Bozeman, the rain stopped and I had dinner at Copper Whiskey, then returned to the hotel for the evening.

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