Thursday, November 27, 2014

Peace Valley

Thursday was Thanksgiving and by now, the snow had ended. The roads were cleared so in the morning, Sandy and I headed to Peace Valley for a walk around Lake Galena. We parked at the Peace Valley Nature Center and started walking the hike/bike path around the lake. It was a chilly morning, but the sky was clear and the views of the lake were great.

We saw large numbers of Canada geese flying through the air and floating across the lake. Despite the snow and holiday, there were quite a few other people on the trail this morning. When we finished up the loop back at the nature center, we hiked along a few of the nature trails. Unlike the main trail around the lake, there was no one else on these trails.

No people at least. We did see some deer, including a fawn with her mother.

After a nice hike and working up an appetite, we headed back and had a big Thanksgiving dinner. We would be heading home in the morning, so we started packing our stuff up in the morning.

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