Sunday, October 14, 2012

Salem Lake Trail

This past weekend, we knocked out another one of the 100 Classic Hikes in NC - Salem Lake Trail (#23 in the book) in Winston-Salem. We left in the morning and made the drive out to Winston-Salem, arriving at Salem Lake right at 10. We were hoping to see some of the first fall color of the season, but it was a little early.

A few trees had started to change with patches of yellow and red among mostly green, but definitely not peak color. Leaving the parking lot, we followed the trail clockwise going behind the dam on a paved trail.

Shortly, the trail became unpaved and crossed a footbridge, providing a nice view of the lake and an old railroad bridge in the other direction.

Continuing on, the trail ducked in and out of coves along the north side of the lake and eventually, the lake became more like a marsh or wetlands with little visible water among the grasses and other plants.

At the end of the lake, the trail becomes paved again and parallels Linville Road as it crosses on the east end of the lake and goes back to unpaved as it follows the south shore of the lake.

Right before the trail becomes unpaved again was a drinking fountain that had another fountain near the ground for dogs to get a drink! I had seen one of those before. Heather had brought Duke Henry along for the walk so he was able to use the doggie drinking fountain.

Continuing on, the trail went through more coves on the south side of the lake, with a larger one towards the end.

Here was another small footbridge that crossed a small creek with water cascading over rocks as it made its way to the lake - another very picturesque spot along the trail.

Finally, we finished the trail and made out way back to the parking lot. Since we were in the area and didn't stop for lunch along the hike, we headed downtown and had beers and burgers at Foothills Brewing.

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