Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bora Bora 4X4 Tour

It was our last full day in Bora Bora.

In the morning, we went to the private island to snorkel at the Coral Garden.

Before we got in the water, we dug a trench in the sand and raced the hermit crabs.

After a few races, we let the crabs go and got in the water and swam to the coral garden one last time. When we got back to the beach, Amanda found a coconut and we spent thirty minutes opening the coconut with just a rock.

I drank the milk and we shared some of the coconut. Then back to the mainland for our 4X4 tour. We first went up the hill near Matira across from the pearl farm.

The driver, Steve, actually drove backwards up part of the hill. We stopped for pictures then back down for a quick tour of the Pearl Farm.

We then drove through Vaitape and up to the bunker and WWII cannons.

We drove to one more spot for a view below Mount Pahia then continued around the island and back to the hotel.

I got in the water and Amanda dropped bread for the fish around me to watch the feeding frenzy. After a while, they started following me since I brought the food.

For our last night, we went to the bar for the full moon party, with a Polynesian dance show, fire dancers, and a DJ.

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