Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hanging Rock Waterfalls

Sunday morning we hiked to the waterfalls. First, we hiked the Indian Creek Trail to Hidden Falls and Window Falls.

Then back to the visitor center to hike to Upper Cascade Falls.

After this, we drove out of the park to visit the Lower Cascade Falls and took a dip the basin to cool off. Then back to the park to break down the campsite.After Hanging Rock, we headed to Pilot Mountain for more hiking. We parked at the visitor center and hiked up the Grindstone Trail to the parking lot at the summit. We stopped at the Little Pinnacle Overlook to take pictures of Pilot Mountain, then hiked the Jameokee Trail around the Big Pinnacle and took the Ledge Springs Trail back to the Grindstone Trail and back to the visitor center. It rained yet again on the way down, but it was a light rain so didn't get too wet. Then we stopped for dinner outside the park and headed back to Raleigh.

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