Saturday, July 30, 2011

Camping at Hanging Rock

This weekend, we went camping at Hanging Rock. We got to the park at about 9 in the morning on Saturday, and it was already getting hot. We first hiked up the Hanging Rock trail to Hanging Rock and stopped for a while to enjoy the view.

It was a little too hazy to see all the way to Winston-Salem, but the views were great nonetheless. After that, we hiked down and followed the Wolf Rock Trail and Cook's Wall Trail to the end, then headed back and took the Magnolia Springs Trail to Moore's Wall Loop Trail.

At this point it started to rain - and it was a downpour! But the rain didn't last, and as we were hiking up to Moore's Wall, the sun came back out.

On top of Moore's Wall, we stopped again to dry off and enjoy the lovely breeze.

After a while, we hiked back down and set up camp. Just before sunset, we hiked back to Moore's Wall and tried to watch the sunset.

It was too cloudy to see the sunset, but the views of the growing darkness over the land below was fantastic. Then back to camp and time for bed.

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