Tuxachanie Trail

Tuxachanie Trail is a 12-mile hiking trail through DeSoto National Forest in Harrison and Stone Counties. The trail passes through a variety of southern Mississippi habitats, including pine savannas, plains, and swamps, making the trail a good spot to see wildflowers and pitcher plants. The first five miles of trail on the west side follow an abandoned railroad line that was served the sawmill of Dantzler Lumber Company in Howison. There are three access points - a small parking area on the west side of the trail along US-49 north of Saucier, Airey Lake Recreation Area, and P.O.W. Camp. No restrooms or potable water is available along the trail except at Airey Lake Recreation Area.



Yellow Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens)

Golden Club (Orontium aquaticum)

Blog Entries:

08-Mar-2018: Tuxachanie Trail

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