Death Valley National Park

Death Valley National Park is a 3.37 million-acre National Park on the Nevada-California border.  It is the largest US National Park outside Alaska and the hottest, driest and lowest National Park.  The highest recorded temperature on Earth was recorded in the valley at 134 °F in 1913.  Elevations in the park range from Telescope Peak at 11,049 feet to Badwater Basin at -282 feet, the lowest place in North America.  A few paved highways lead through the park but most is accessed by a network of unpaved roads, many suitable only for high-clearance 4WD.



Badwater Salt Flats Trail:

Badwater Salt Flats Trail starts at Badwater Basin and leads under a mile out to the salt flats.

Darwin Falls Trail:

Darwin Falls Trail, located near Panamint Springs, leads one mile through a canyon to a spring-fed waterfall.

Desolation Canyon Trail:

Desolation Canyon Trail leads through a colorful canyon near Artist's Drive.

Golden Canyon Trail:

Golden Canyon Trail starts from a trailhead on Badwater Road a few miles south of Furnace Creek and leads through the canyon to Red Cathedral.  A connector trail splits and leads to Zabriskie Point.

Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point:

A connector trail that splits off from Golden Canyon and leads past Manly Beacon and through the Badlands to end at Zabriskie Point.

Gower Badlands Loop:

A loop trail around the Badlands in Gower Gulch that connects to Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point Trail and Gower Gulch Trail.

Gower Gulch Trail:

Gower Gulch Trail splits from Gower Badlands Loop and leads through the gulch to Badwater Road.

Gower Gulch-Golden Canyon Connector:

A connector trail between Golden Canyon and Gower Gulch to make a circuit hike.

Harmony Borax Works Interpretive Trail:

Located just north of the Furnace Creek Ranger Station, this short paved trail leads around the ruins of the Harmony Borax Works.

Mosaic Canyon Trail:

Mosaic Canyon Trail starts from a trailhead near Stovepipe Wells and leads for just under 2 miles through a canyon of breccia that forms a natural mosaic in the canyon walls.

Mount Perry Trail:

Mount Perry Trail starts at Dante's View and leads north over Dante's View Peak and along the ridge to the summit of Mount Perry.

Natural Bridge Trail:

Natural Bridge Trail starts from the end of a short gravel road just north of Badwater Basin.  The trail leads 3/4 through a canyon with a 35-foot natural bridge near the middle.

Wildrose Peak Trail:

Wildrose Peak Trail starts at the Charcoal Kilns and leads up to its namesake peak at over 9,000 feet.

Points of Interest:

Artist's Palette:

Artist's Palette is an overlook along Artist's Drive with views of colorful hills caused by oxidation of exposed minerals.

Badwater Basin:

Badwater Basin is the lowest point in North America at 282 feet below sea level.  A trail leads out to the salt flats.

Charcoal Kilns:

The Charcoal Kilns were built in 1877 to produce charcoal for smelting operations.  The are located in Wildrose Canyon at the road to Telescope Peak.

Dante's View:

Dante's View towers over Badwater Basin more than 5,000 feet above with views of Death Valley to Telescope Peak.

Darwin Falls:

Darwin Falls is a spring-fed waterfall that creates a lush oasis in the desert.

Devil's Cornfield:

Devil's Cornfield is a pull-off on CA-190 east of Stovepipe Wells where the arrowweed resembles bundled corn after harvest.

Father Crowley Vista Point:

Father Crowley Vista Point is an overlook off CA-190 into Rainbow Canyon in the western part of the park.  Known as "Star Wars Canyon", the military used to fly jets through the canyon, but was suspended after a fatal training accident.

Harmony Borax Works:

Harmony Borax Works was a 19th century borax operation that operated in Death Valley.  A paved interpretive trail leads around the site.

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes:

Located near Stovepipe Wells, Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes are a large dune field with easy access.

Mount Perry:

Mount Perry is a 5,716-foot peak in the Amargosa Range that can be accessed from Dante's View.

Natural Bridge:

Natural Bridge is a 35-foot rock arch in Natural Bridge Canyon.

Twenty Mule Team Canyon:

Twenty Mule Team Canyon has a gravel spur road that goes through canyon near Zabriskie Point.  There are a few places to pull over and explore the beautiful yellow hills.

Zabriskie Point:

Zabriskie Point is an overlook with views over Golden Canyon and the badlands.


Creosote bush (Larrea tridentata)

Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa)

Arrowweed (Pluchea sericea)

Desert holly (Atriplex hymenelytra)

Cotton top cactus (Echinocactus polycephalus)

Prickly pear cactus (Optuntia spp.) in the snow.

Rock wren (Salpinctes obsoletus)

White-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)

Pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus)

Coyote (Canis latrans)

Blog Entries:

12-Jan-2023: Badwater Basin

11-Jan-2023: Mount Perry

10-Jan-2023: Golden Canyon

09-Jan-2023: Winds at Wildrose

08-Jan-2023: Mosaic Canyon

External Links:

National Park Service website:

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