China Creek (Pisgah)

China Creek flows down from Blowing Rock to join Thunderhole Creek and ultimately flows into Johns River in Caldwell County.  Much of the land surrounding the creeks is part of the Grandfather Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest and is the northernmost part of the forest.  Although a remote area, several miles of hiking trails and old roads provide access and connect to the town of Blowing Rock and there are several scenic waterfalls in the area.



China Creek Trail (#250):

China Creek Trail starts in Blowing Rock and follows China Creek downstream, crossing FR-4071 near the gate.  At the confluence with Thunderhole Creek, Thunderhole Falls Trail (#253) splits.  The trail continues following Thunderhole Creek downstream, ending at FR-4071 near Globe Road.

Thunderhole Falls Trail (#253):

Thunderhole Falls Trail splits from China Creek Trail (#250) near the confluence of Thunderhole and China Creek.  The short trail heads upstream about 0.1 miles to Thunderhole Falls and ends above the top of the waterfall.

Points of Interest:

Lower Thunderhole Falls:

Lower Thunderhole Falls is a small waterfall with a nice swimhole.

Thunderhole Falls:

Thunderhole Falls is a cool waterfall on Thunderhole Creek just upstream of the confluence with China Creek.


Dwarf crested iris (Iris cristata)

Blog Entries:

23-Jul-2023: Thunderhole Hike

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