Bonas Defeat

Bonas Defeat is a towering cliff wall over the Tuckaseegee River Gorge below Tanassee Creek Lake. Much of the river is diverted for hydroelectric generation so the river bed is exposed, creating a beautiful gorge full of potholes, massive boulders and waterfalls. The gorge is located in Nantahala National Forest and public access is allowed, but not recommended. There are no trails through the gorge and trekking through is extremely difficult and dangerous. Additionally, unexpected water releases from the lake will create deadly flash flooding.


Tuckaseegee Gorge Trail (#438):

The forest service shows a trail (#438) heading through the gorge.  This trail does not exist.  At best, it's a route through the gorge but there is no trail.  Most of the route is rock-scrambling, wading and climbing.

Points of Interest:

Bonas Defeat Falls:

Bonas Defeat Falls is a 25-foot waterfall right at the cliffs.

Bonas Defeat Wall:

Bonas Defeat Wall is a 400-foot cliff towering over the upper portion of the gorge.  According to legend, a hunting dog named Bonas was chasing a deer.  The deer stopped suddenly and Bonas went over the cliff.  A few rock-climbers use the wall, but access is very difficult.

Grandma’s Kitchen Falls:

Grandmas Kitchen Falls is a cool waterfall through a series of a potholes.

Grandma’s Pantry Falls:

Grandmas Pantry Falls is a small waterfall in the gorge.

Talus Cave Falls:

Talus Cave Falls is a really neat waterfall inside a small cave.

Blog Entries:

23-Jul-2021: Bonas Defeat

External Links:

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