Sunday, August 13, 2023

Blue Ridge Greenway Hikes

Sunday, we checked out of the hotel and had breakfast in Lenoir then drove up to Blowing Rock and stopped at the Blue Ridge Conservancy Conservation Campus off Aho Road.  There is a two-mile loop trail through the woods on the property.

The trail had many switchbacks so wasn't strenuous at all and passed by some cool rock formations.

After finishing the loop, we took a short stroll on the Pollinator Walk.

The little garden had a lot of cardinal flowers, milkweed and other pollinator-friendly flowers.

Rattlesnake master had some really interesting flowers.

From here, we made a short drive up US-321 to the Sterling Creek Park trailhead for Middle Fork Greenway

The greenway is still in development, but about a mile of trail was available here leading up to Tweetsie Railroad.

The trail ended at the entrance road at US-321 so we turned around here.

Past the parking area in the other direction, the trail ended shortly.  I found a path out to a scenic spot on Middle Fork.

It was still too early for lunch so we made one more stop at Brookshire Park.  We took the greenway south under the bridge and followed New River Hills to a low-water bridge over the river.

Across the river, we picked up the Boone Greenway.  There was a groundhog near the wastewater treatment plant.

We went as far as the pedestrian bridge over the river and then headed back.

Booneshine had opened by the time we got back so we could have barbecue for lunch before driving back to the much hotter weather in Raleigh.

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