Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lake Waccamaw and Lumber River

On Saturday we headed to southeastern North Carolina for some hiking and umexpected waterfalls.  We first headed to Lake Waccamaw State Park, arriving around 10.  First, we got Alex's passport stamped.

On display in the Visitor Center was a whale fossil that had been discovered in the lake, evidence that this area was once a shallow sea.

Then we followed Boardwalk Trail 2 down to the lake.  It was lightly drizzling when we started but stopped shortly.  The boardwalk ended at a nice view of the lake.

Then we got on the Lake Shore Trail and headed south.

This trail leads about four miles right along the shore of the lake.  As it stays close to the shore, there are plenty of great views of the lake.  We spotted an interesting looking reindeer lichen along the trail.

Soon we approached Boardwalk Trail.

This one is longer and goes way out into the lake.

A little further, we passed through the campsites.  One had a yurt, for slightly less primitive camping.  After, the campsites, the trail continued along the lake.  At one point, the trail was surrounded on one side by the lake and the other by a swamp.

There were also several nice little beaches to stop for a break and enjoy the view.

We finished up at the small dam on the lake.

The trees around the dam were really covered in Spanish moss.

A recently completed boardwalk over the dam led to a parking area.

From here, we turned around to start heading back.  At the camping area, we took the Pine Woods Trail to make a partial loop back.  The trail first passes through an area where longleaf pine are growing.

Further on, it was through a more mature pine forest.

This trail made a nice contrast from the swampy and wet area along the lake.  Pine Woods Trail ends at Loblolly Trail, also passing through pine woods.

A right turn led a half-mile back to the visitor center.

Leaving Lake Waccamaw, we headed west to our next stop, Princess Ann area of Lumber River State Park.  The park office is closed on weekends, but they have an outside box for stamps for Alex's passport.

We set off on the short Griffin's Bluff Trail that led along the bluff on the river.  There were nice views of the river from here.  The trail turned around at Griffin's Whirl, an interesting reverse flow section of the river.

In high water, it was obvious the main path of the river.

From here, the trail looped back around up along the bluff.  It was here that the community of Princess Ann was located, safely up on the bluff.  As railroad travel increased and river travel decreased, the town dwindled away and now nothing remains but the road named for it.  There was an old log from when this area was extensively logged.

This log was so big and heavy, it couldn't be moved; it was too big for even the sawmill.  Finishing up the loop, we went down to the boat ramp for a few more pictures of the river.

Then we took off and headed toward Lumberton.

We got take-out from Village Station and checked in to the Best Western, a dog friendly hotel.  It was Alex's first stay in a hotel and he enjoyed sleeping with us on the king size bed.

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