Sunday, August 26, 2018

Overall Run Falls and Hawksbill

Sunday, we packed up camp and had breakfast.  The rest of the group was doing Stony Man, another trail that dogs aren't allowed on.  So we hiked to see Overall Run Falls instead and planned to meet them at Hawksbill.  Overall Run Falls is the highest in Shenandoah, but it's on a small creek.  I had visited before, but it was barely a trickle.  So with the high water this weekend, I was hoping it would be a little more impressive.  There were some pretty white wood aster blooming along the trail to the waterfall.

In about 1.5 miles, we turned left on Tuscarora-Overall Run Falls and shortly came to the upper waterfall.  Upper Overall Run Falls is about 30 feet high and looked nice in the high water, but there was a lot of vegetation in the way.

Shortly after that, we came to the overlook for the Overall Run Falls.  And it sure looked like a waterfall this time.

Trees in the canyon below blocked a view of the full falls, but it was very nice nonetheless.  The view from the overlook is fantastic as well.

After a short break, we headed back to camp and left.

Driving south on Skyline Drive, we headed to the Upper Hawksbill Trailhead and arrived with everybody else.  Upper Hawksbill Trail is the easiest route to Shenandoah's highest point.  The trail gains about 500 feet in a mile and wasn't bad at all.  Near the summit, we came to Byrds Nest No. 2 Shelter.

Just past here was the summit of Hawksbill.

The views from up here were really great.

Looking east, Old Rag was visible from the viewpoint.

After some pictures, we headed back down and continued on to Big Meadows.

We stopped at the visitor center to get our passport stamped and then to the Wayside to get some blackberry ice cream cake.  It was really yummy.  Alex had a couple bites too.  Finished with our snack, we said good-bye to everyone and started making the drive home.

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