Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Bosch Alive

Wednesday was my last day in Berlin.  Most of my colleagues headed to Dessau, but I stayed to continue working in Berlin.  I had seen a sign for Hieronymus Bosch exhibit, so after work I decided to check it out.  I walked over to Alte Münze to see the Bosch Alive exhibit.  It was not like a traditional museum exhibit at all - it seemed more like a rave venue than a museum.  I had to walk around to the back of the building and go through a dark corridor to find the entrance (it was well signed at least).  After paying admission I headed inside.  There were a couple of dark rooms with benches and beanbag chairs in the center.

On all the walls, projections of The Garden of Earthly Delights was shown onto the walls, with the figures from the painting animated and set to music.  It was really cool - I've always loved Bosch and The Garden of Earthly Delights is my favorite work of art.

I watched through the animations and then left.  Afterwards, I headed to Tex-Mex Cantina for dinner and then walked past Museum Island.  It was late so I didn't have a chance to visit the museums, but the buildings were really nice.  The Bode Museum along the river was really scenic.

Heading back towards the hotel, I passed the Berlin Cathedral.

This has to be one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen, with a nice fountain in front.

There was a service, so I wasn't able to check out the inside.  Then I started heading back towards the hotel, passing through Gendarmanmarkt one more time.

After a few pictures, I headed back to the hotel to pack up for a long flight home in the morning.

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