Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Flowers in Umstead

For April Fools' Day, Sandy and I took Alex to William B. Umstead State Park for a lovely spring hike - no fooling!  Alex got to try out his new doggy backpack.

It rained a bit yesterday, but today was just beautiful.  We parked at the Glenwood side of the park and started hiking Sycamore Trail.  There were several spots where we saw flowering dogwoods blooming in the forest.

At the split, we turned left and crossed Graylyn Multi-Use Trail and then descended down to Sycamore Creek.  There were lots of wildflowers blooming along the creek, including Green-and-Gold and Star Chickweed.

When the trail came back to Graylyn Trail, I split off to hike the Company Mill Loop and see some more wildflowers along Crabtree Creek.  It was getting a little warm for Alex so he and Sandy headed back.  And sure enough, there were lots of spring beauty blooming along Crabtree Creek.

Then I started heading back.  On the last stretch of Sycamore Creek, there were some nice patches of azure bluets blooming.

Then I made my way back to the car to finish up my hike.

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