Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sailing Quepos Bay

Thursday morning, we checked out of the hotel. The front desk was nice enough to hold our stuff while we went on one more activity in Quepos. We drove down to the marina for sailing in a trimaran, similar to a catamaran but with three hulls. I wasn’t real excited about this as I'm not really into sailing, but Ro recommended it and the I wanted to spend time with the group on our last day. We arrived at the marina and checked in and then boarded the trimaran.

They had delicious rum punch, along with water and soft drinks, to drink while we were on the water. From Quepos, we headed to the Manuel Antonio area where we could see the beaches we had spent the past couple of days at.

We also circumnavigated the volcanic islands sticking out of the water off the coast.

The crew spotted some brown booby birds and said they're a good sign of dolphins. The birds scavenge for fish left by the dolphins and are a good indicator of where to find them. Follow the boobies! We sailed over towards them and soon we saw a pod of spinner dolphins swimming around the bay.

These dolphins are known for their aerial acrobatics but weren't doing anything today. They swam around the boat a couple times and then swam off. Then we headed over towards Playa Biesanz, where the boat anchored. The guides provided snorkel gear, but Sandy and I had brought our own snorkel and mask. We prefer to not use ones that have been used by others. We hopped into the water and swam over to a reef where a number of tropical fish were.

The majority of the fish were Pacific Sergeant-Majors, but we also saw a couple of Cortez Rainbow Wrasse and other beautiful fish. One of the guides gave us a piece of pineapple to feed them.

Holding a piece in the water caused them to go into a feeding frenzy right in front of us. It was a beautiful explosion of color.

After snorkeling for a while, I headed back to the boat and rode the water slide a couple of times and did a couple jumps into the water. Then, we had lunch on the boat.

They mainly served fish and I was going to eat it, though I don't care for seafood. But Ro was nice enough to talk to the guys and they made me chicken instead. They claimed it was a seagull they caught while I was snorkeling. After lunch, we started making our way back. We had all been drinking a bit, so the guys turned the music up and we had a little dance party on the boat as we sailed back to the marina. From here, we took a bus back to the hotel and get our bags. The bus to take us back to San José was delayed due to a flat tire, but the folks at Pacific Paradise were nice enough to let us play in the pool while we waited.

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