Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Walks in Fayetteville

Today, we knocked off hikes 30 and 31 in Fayetteville from 100 Classic Hikes. It was a beautiful spring day, around 70°F and sunny - perfect weather for seeing spring blooms. We started at the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens, arriving shortly before opening time at 10.

After purchasing admission, we headed around the Cypress pond to the River Trail and followed it to the Cape Fear River. There were two overlooks here, Paw Paw and further down was River Overlook. There was too much foliage to see much from the first, but we were able to climb down at the River Overlook to the shore of Cape Fear River.

We continued on and took the Oak Loop Trail for another overlook on Cross Creek, then finished up the trail to Laurel Loop Trail and took Rim Walk back into the cultivated gardens and finished up the official hike.

Since we had some extra time, we continued walking through the gardens. I stopped at the Butterfly Stroll - beautiful flowers, but no butterflies today.

Then we went to the Shade Garden and saw more flowers and hostas that need a lot of shade. Then we took Oak Loop Trail back to the river and went in the opposite direction.

Finally, we stopped at the Children's Garden before leaving the gardens.

We got some fast food lunch and took it to Clark Park and had lunch near the amphitheater before setting up the shuttle. We walked a bit through Clark Park before starting the official hike along the Cape Fear River Trail. The trail starts along a wetland area with boardwalks across the swampy parts then comes out along Eastwood Road. Following the road a short ways, the greenway picks back up past a neighborhood, then into the woods and along the Cape Fear River. Unfortunately, the foliage was blocking out any real view of the river.

We continued on a ways across a couple bridges, then a covered bridge that goes under a railroad trestle.

The trail finished up past a golf course and a couple of ponds near the Methodist University and terminates at Jordan Soccer Complex.

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