Friday, March 30, 2012

Last Day in DC

Our last full day of vacation and last day in the city, we decided to visit the museums we had missed.  First, we hit the American Indian Museum, starting at the fourth floor and working our way down.

After a while exploring the exhibits, we had already worked up an appetite so went to the Sculpture Garden Cafe for lunch. Then we went around the African Art Museum and finished up the East Building of the National Gallery.

We viewed the Small French Paintings exhibit, including another Monet and then we saw Calder's mobiles.

Other interesting works included Jackson Pollock and Mel Bochner, a temporary exhibit in the tower with thesaurus works that combine linguistics with art.

When we were finished, we went to the museum store and picked up a couple of prints. We went back to the hotel and went to a place near our hotel for dinner.

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