Umstead Reptiles & Amphibians

A number of reptiles and amphibians call the William B. Umstead State Park's forests, creeks and lakes home.  Turtles live in the lakes, snakes slither through the leaves and amphibians lay eggs in vernal pools.  The trails throughout the park provide good opportunities for catching a glimpse of the herps that live in the park.


Several species of turtles can be found in the park.  Box turtles (Terrapene carolina) are one of the most common.


Snakes found in the park, include non-venomous snakes and venomous snakes.  The most common venomous snake is the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix).

Although poisonous, these snakes are not aggressive and will only bite if provoked.  Use caution if you see one on the trail and it will leave you alone.

A much less common and only mildly venomous species found in the park is the ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus).  Although poisonous, these snakes pose little threat to humans as their fangs are too small to penetrate human skin.  Ring-necked snakes are nocturnal and rarely seen during the day, but I was lucky enough to find one sunning himself on a multi-use trail on a warm winter day.


Eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) are one of the larger lizard species found in the park.

They have excellent camouflage, blending in well against tree bark and rocks.

Frogs & Toads:

Northern green frogs (Lithobates clamitans) are common in vernal pools and other ecotones between terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

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