Rogers Ridge Scenic Area (Cherokee)

Rogers Ridge Scenic Area in Cherokee National Forest is a pristine and ecologically rich area located in the northeastern corner of Tennessee in Johnson County. The scenic area is renowned for its lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and diverse wildlife.  Outdoor enthusiasts can immerse themselves in a variety of activities, including hiking along cascading creeks, fishing in the pristine waters of Gentry Creek, or horseback ridging up Rogers Ridge to enjoy the idyllic surroundings. The Rogers Ridge Scenic Area is also a haven for botanists and nature enthusiasts, home to rare plant species and a variety of birdlife, making it a cherished gem within the Watauga Ranger District of Cherokee National Forest.



Gentry Creek Falls Trail (#51)

Gentry Creek Trail starts from the parking area at the end of FR-123 and follows the creek upstream for about 2 miles.  The trail crosses the creek numerous times, requiring wading if the water level is up.  The trail ends at the base of Gentry Creek Falls.

Rogers Ridge Trail (#192)

Rogers Ridge Trail starts from the large parking area at the start of FR-123 as the trail is primarily for equestrian users.  After crossing Gentry Creek, the trail heads steeply up the ridge.  In about 5 miles, the trail exits the woods and heads through beautiful grassy balds near the boundary of North Carolina and Virginia.

Points of Interest:

Gentry Creek Falls

Gentry Creek Falls is a scenic waterfall in two sections.


Crimson beebalm (Monarda didyma)

Eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)

Blog Entries:

21-Jul-2024: Rogers Ridge Hike

28-May-2022: Backbone Rock

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