Green Swamp Preserve NC

Green Swamp Preserve is a 17,424-acre nature preserve owned by the Nature Conservancy and managed by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission as Game Land.  The preserve is comprised of longleaf pine savannas and pocosin swamps and periodic controlled burns are conducted to support these ecosystems.  There are numerous orchid species and 14 species of carnivorous plants in the preserve, including Venus fly traps.  The land that makes up the preserve was donated to the Nature Conservancy in the 1970s and 1980s as well as additional land purchases.



Green Swamp Preserve Trail:

Green Swamp Preserve Trail is 1.3 trail through longleaf pine savannas and pocosins.


The longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem is dependent on periodic fires.

Flowering pixiemoss (Pyxidanthera barbatula)

Rosebud orchid (Cleistesiopsis divaricata)

Partidgeberry (Mitchella repens)

Ten-angled pipewort (Eriocaulon decangulare)

Orange milkweed (Polygala lutea)

Pineland daisy (Chaptalia tomentosa)

Green Swamp contains more than 14 species of carnivorous plants.  Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula) are one of the most well known.

Yellow pitcher plants (Sarracenia flava)

Yellow pitcher plant flowers

Purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea)

Spoonleaf sundew (Drosera intermedia)

Pink sundew (Drosera capillaris)

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