Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument is a National Park Service Unit in Teller County, Colorado, known for its abundant plant and insect fossils in the mudstone and shale. Additionally, there are a number of petrified redwood stumps from the Eocene epoch when the climate was much warmer. The area that is now the national monument was once a private attraction showcasing the petrified forest. The national monument was established in 1969.

Contact Information:

P.O. Box 185
Florissant, CO 80816

Phone: (719) 748-3253




Petrified Forest Loop:

Petrified Forest Loop makes a 1 mile loop starting from behind the visitor center. The trail passes several stumps of petrified redwood trees, including the Big Stump.

Points of Interest:

Big Stump:

The Big Stump is a massive petrified redwood stump that can be seen from the Petrified Forest Loop. 

The visitor center has a large display of insect and plant fossils discovered at Florissant.

Hornbek Homestead:

The Hornbek Homestead is located along County Road 1 before the visitor center.


The Trio, as the name suggests, is the petrified stumps of three redwood trees. They are located behind the visitor center near the amphitheater.


Indian paintbrush

One-sided penstemon (Penstemon unilateralis)

White thistle (Cirsium hookerianum)

Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)

Blog Entries:

05-Jul-2018: Mount Elbert

External Links:

National Park Service website: https://www.nps.gov/flfo/index.htm

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