Buffalo Mountain Natural Area Preserve

Buffalo Mountain Natural Area Preserve is a 1,146-acre Virginia Natural Area Preserve in Floyd County.  The preserve surrounds the 3,971 Buffalo Mountain, a mountain with an exposed rocky summit that supports a number of rare plants and animals.  The preserve has a small parking area and a couple miles of trails that climb the mountain and provide scenic views.  To prevent erosion and harm to native wildlife, please stay on designated trails while visiting the preserve.


From Floyd, head south on US-221 for about 6 miles and turn left on Union School Road (Route 727).  In 4.7 miles, turn right and then immediate left to stay on Route 727, which becomes Moles Road.  In 1.1 miles, turn right to stay on Moles Road and continue another 1 mile to a three-way intersection.  Go right on the narrow, gravel road and follow 0.9 miles to the parking area at the end.



Barrens Loop Trail:

Length: 0.3 miles
Blaze: Orange

Barrens Loop Trail starts at the terminus of Oak Trail and Ridge Trail and leads up to the summit of Buffalo Mountain, marking a short loop right at the top.  The upper portion of the trail is roped off to keep visitors on the trail.  Please stay within the roped trail to avoid trampling sensitive wildlife.

Oak Trail:

Length: 0.9 miles
Blaze: Red

Oak Trail starts from the parking lot and leads along the flank of the mountain then climbs up to meet Ridge Trail and Barrens Loop Trail.  This trail is an excellent hike to see spring wildflowers.

Ridge Trail:

Length: 0.5 miles
Blaze: Blue

Ridge Trail starts from the parking lot and climbs up the ridge towards the summit, ending at the intersection with Oak Trail and Barrens Loop Trail.


Virginia saxifrage (Micranthes virginiensis)

Star chickweed (Stellaria pubera)

Rue anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides)

Mountain timbleweed (Anemonoides lancifolia)

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Large-flowered bellwort (Uvularia grandiflora)

White trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)

Azure bluets (Houstonia caerulea)

Birdsfoot violet (Viola pedata)

Wild geranium (Geranium maculatum)


Blog Entries:

External Links:

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation website: https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/natural-area-preserves/buffalo

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